capmonster-python docs

Error Types

Error Types

Error List

Error CodeError Description
ERROR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXISTAccount authorization key not found in the system or has incorrect format (length is not)
ERROR_ZERO_CAPTCHA_FILESIZEThe size of the captcha you are uploading is less than 100 bytes.
ERROR_TOO_BIG_CAPTCHA_FILESIZEThe size of the captcha you are uploading is more than 50,000 bytes.
ERROR_ZERO_BALANCEAccount has zero balance
ERROR_IP_NOT_ALLOWEDRequest with current account key is not allowed from your IP
ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLEThis type of captchas is not supported by the service or the image does not contain an answer, perhaps it is too noisy. It could also mean that the image is corrupted or was incorrectly rendered.
ERROR_NO_SUCH_CAPCHA_ID, WRONG_CAPTCHA_IDThe captcha that you are requesting was not found. Make sure you are requesting a status update only within 5 minutes of uploading.
CAPTCHA_NOT_READYThe captcha has not yet been solved
ERROR_IP_BANNEDYou have exceeded the limit of requests with the wrong api key, check the correctness of your api key in the control panel and after some time, try again
ERROR_NO_SUCH_METHODThis method is not supported or empty
ERROR_TOO_MUCH_REQUESTSYou have exceeded the limit of requests to receive an answer for one task
ERROR_MAXIMUM_TIME_EXCEEDCaptcha response could not be received at the specified time
ERROR_NOTHING_GIVENYou have to give image_path or base64_encoded_image at least

Explanation for ERROR_IP_BANNED

If you get this error, you can see the reason from here.

The main reasons for getting a ban:

  • KeyDoesntExist: Multiple requests without a key or with an invalid key
  • ZeroBalance: Multiple requests with zero balance
  • WrongTaskId: When exceeding the limit of the 120 requests per task / 1 min
  • BadProxy: multiple requests with a banned proxy

Note: Please do not forget, users receive a ban for repeated this actions for a limited period of time.

When will the ban removed?

The duration of the block is 30 minutes, provided that you do not continue to break the rules described above.

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